For my blog entries back to 2007, click on "View my complete profile," scroll down, and click on "How did I do that?" (It's about my first bout of breast cancer.)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

People need People

I just want to make one thing perfectly clear: I’m dispensing with the guilt I feel about time spent on the Internet and Facebook, specifically. (I’m retired, for godsakes, and am allowed to do whatever I like; at least that’s what THEY tell me.) I have to admit: Facebook has enhanced my life.

Granted, there are times I consider bowing out, there are lots of posts I quite efficiently ignore, and sometimes I find time slips away and I haven’t scrubbed the toilets that morning as I probably should have. But… Unconventional as I deem myself and technologically elementary as I may be, I would not have much of a social life without my Facebook community.

To those paranoid about what gets “out there,” worry about yourselves. My life has no call for privacy. I have nothing to hide. If people think I’m lame, it’s perfectly okay. I have a handful of people who still tolerate me and even seem to like me, so who needs more than a handful of faithfuls?

If it weren’t for Facebook, how would I get to see the marvelous photos taken by my nephew’s wife each day? How would I know what wonderful thing my nieces have whipped up on the sewing machine, what they’ve created with knitting needles or the jewelry they’re turning out for sale, the things they’re passionate about? How would I discover the hilarious YouTube stuff that sometimes comes ‘round? My sister-in-law’s paintings? How would I ever keep in touch with people at the edges that I secretly adore and would like to get to know better?

I’ve discovered great music, miraculous Internet services, books, causes, deals, and I can almost entirely avoid the telephone. All I need do to see what our kids are up to that day is go to Facebook. Maybe I get to see their latest project, short videos of my grandkids, or tune in to their concerns of the day. That’s probably as much as they want me to know anyway.

Call me shallow, call me a junkie, talk about the fact that I have nothing better to do – but that only proves you don’t know much about what makes me tick. I’ll just have to be a bit more of a braggadocio, more visible, on Facebook I guess.


  1. Dispensing of guilt is a wonderful step as to hold onto it could send a message to yourself that might say "I have done something wrong." Says who?
    Enjoy your time today (it is yours to use afterall)Googling, Facebooking, whatever you choose to do to connect to those things you enjoy and that bring you joy.
    Diane and Tracy

  2. I tell ya what, when I was in Bahrain Facebook kept me in contact with my mom. When I was at sea for three months Facebook kept me in contact with my grandma, and when I was in Germany for one month? Yup, Facebook all the way to talk with my boyfriend (of the time). Currently, you ask?? The story hasn't changed. Facebook to keep my family and friends updated on wedding plans, Facebook to swap Packer Sunday photos, and Facebook to watch my cousins grow older no matter how far away I am.

    Facebook: I'm one of your biggest fans.


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