For my blog entries back to 2007, click on "View my complete profile," scroll down, and click on "How did I do that?" (It's about my first bout of breast cancer.)

Monday, April 18, 2011

"Blog Fever" comin' on strong

I just re-read my entry from a week ago. Big anxieties, hah!

Not three days after that was written, I learned I have cancer again. That puts the anxiety list of a week ago in an entirely new perspective. (And I took those damned pills I hated for nothing for three years, I guess>
Those of you who followed me during the last bout in 2007 will remember that I blogged my way through. I love to write and I hate the telephone, so blogging is the preferred way to express my anxieties, chronicle events for my own records, and keep people updated so I don’t have to tell the same stories over and over and over.

(It’s likely over the next few months that if you ask me where I am in the process, I will deliver a dirty look. The look means “READ MY BLOG.” …Got it?)

Here’s what I know so far.

I noticed a lump near the left mastectomy scar about ten days ago. I chose to just worry about it for a few days, then after a sleepless night, got on the phone the next day and made great progress. Had an exam with Radiology-Oncology, got an ultrasound, had an attempted aspiration of what we hoped might be a common cyst, and failing that had a brand new procedure, vacuum-assisted biopsy. Here’s where the radiologist had to call in a cohort, as he’d only used the new tool one another time and wanted to make sure he was doing it right. (I love new procedures!) The tool is a combination “saw” and vacuum. It cuts into the tissue until it has a goodly chunk, then a button is pressed and the vacuum sucks the tissue “noodle” through a 2-foot hose into a specimen jar. It was a very strange sensation, trust me.

Results the next day showed cancer, so I was granted a consult with my chosen surgeon, someone I’d met through my work with the breast cancer “treatment process improvement team” (my health providers) the past three years.

She pointed out what we hadn’t anticipated: my new cancer appears unrelated to the cancer of 2007 based on location and characteristics thus far analyzed.

Thus I am on an altered diet today and tomorrow in preparation for a head-to-toe PET scan on Wednesday to see if there is evidence of cancer anywhere else. The order of treatment and surgery is to be determined once those results are in.

For now, I feel great and won’t waste a minute of feeling-great time. My sister’s in town from Texas and my brother from Marshfield is coming to hang out with us today. It may be exceptionally cold here for this time of year, but my daffodils don’t seem to care and the sun is rising, so attitude today: 10 out of 10.


  1. These blog entries of yours are good for us as well. Thanks for doing them.

    Love and good vibes sent your way...


  2. Thanks for blogging. I didn't want to pester you for details.

  3. Dear feverish,
    Bring on the blogs! Please and thank you.

  4. Sending you a big hug and please do keep us posted!!!

  5. Thanks for giving more information and I promise I won't bug you about details but be patient with me since I will be anxious for you.

    Love Dianne

  6. Blog Fever, it is so good for your soul. And good for ours too.
    Be sure that Wednesday will have an extra helping of "good ju ju"....positive thoughts sent your way.

    Love and Hugs,
    Neighbor Diane

  7. Mary I was so sad to hear that your cancer is back. CRAP!!!! As I sit here trying to think of what to say I am eating junk food and have Bon Jovi playing way too loud! It is a comfort to me but I know it is not helping you at all. I wish you could have had breakfast with me and Mary on Tuesday but I totally understand why you felt it might not be a good time. You have lots to process and you had your family


  8. Some people have lame excuses for not doing things, but that's never been you. I'll keep an eye on your blog, now that I know where it is. I don't want to intrude, but I want to invite you to a lunch or coffee or just talk somewhere in your area whenever you are game. Know that you are in my thoughts, and only positive thoughts will be directed your way for you and your family. Wishing you only the best--because that's what you are Mary--the best! Casey

  9. My eyes will be here near every day looking for your new missives, and wondering how you're doing. I may not be able to fix anything, and it's at these times that I question the justness of the world; but this I know: I care about you, what happens to you, and how you're feeling.

    I'll send the Key West sunshine with my thoughts from 2,000 miles away,


Feel free to leave comments or email me at if you prefer. Thanks.