For my blog entries back to 2007, click on "View my complete profile," scroll down, and click on "How did I do that?" (It's about my first bout of breast cancer.)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Not going to "hold the Mayo" this time

I have been granted a look-see at Mayo Clinic on June 22nd. At first the date being so far out rather scared me. (Should I be postponing chemo that long?)

But the more I think about it, I rather like having a month of being free and healthy. Now the only question is: Will I be able to fit all of my medical records on the BMW so that Greg and I can have a decent road trip to Rochester???

Feeling rather sassy these days. Hair's growing out and not looking quite so much like a "Bayerl Mouse" as my sister Elaine dubbed me a few weeks ago.


  1. why not fed-ex them ahead of you?

  2. Wooooooweeeeeee!!
    1. That is fantastic news! I really do love mayo...on sandwiches and in a hospital system.
    2. Do whatever your little heart desires this next month Mary...
    3. You and your hair look maaaaaar-va-lus!

    Your Neighbors and friends,
    P.S. LOVE seeing the drying dandelions on the sidewalk. That is good stuff!

  3. Please take the long way and come see me? How much better could a road trip get?? Will you stay at the Kahler in Rochester?



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