For my blog entries back to 2007, click on "View my complete profile," scroll down, and click on "How did I do that?" (It's about my first bout of breast cancer.)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Words With Friends and other things

Apologies to everyone who is thinking of me and calling me today because it is presumed to be my 2nd round of chemo. I changed chemo-day to Mondays. That way I hope I can be feeling yuckiest during the week and better by the weekend. (It also means I sort of get to skip chemo this week!)

And what difference does it make to someone who is retired? you may ask.

I have hopes of going camping sometime this summer. Greg is typically around on weekends. I would rather be alone when I'm sick. There is an off-chance something fun may happen on a weekend that I would like to participate in.

And about "Words with Friends." If there are those of you out there who play this Scrabble-like game via iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch, might we play a few rounds?

Thanks for checking in. (BTW, this week was a complete roller coaster both mentally and physically. The good times are REALLY good and the bad times are just bad. Most of all, I think the bad times may be completely in my head and due to fear of chemo. I'm working on it.)


  1. Keep strong Mary. If you want to play a game in person, I am up to that. On line, I don't do that.

  2. Lovely picture. Seems very un-chemo...


  3. Chemo on Mondays to feel better on weekends; now that sounds like a very good plan....
    And something that you can control at a time when it may seem that many things are not in your control.
    BTW, I do in deed dig those red specs of, funky....fresh!

    Neighbors who like being Neighbors, imagine.


Feel free to leave comments or email me at if you prefer. Thanks.